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Metal 3D Printing in SG Prototype

With the increasing demand for SG Prototype Metal 3D printing , we think that it is urgent to popularize how to design Metal 3D printing -- there is still some misunderstanding about metal 3D printing in the public, and the manufacturers intentionally or unintentionally exaggerate the process capability.SG Prototype also hopes to contribute to your design practice and promote the development of metal 3D printing in China through its own efforts.

3D printing is to reduce the overall cost through the design,and same with Metal 3D printing.There are four major goals to be achieved through Metal 3D printing:

  1. Reduce the number of parts;

  2. Reduce weight; Reduce assembly;

  3. The production of highly complex parts

Let's talk about the specific requirements of metal 3D printing:

1. Minimum details should be no less than 0.15mm

2. The minimum wall thickness can be up to 0.2mm, but it is recommended not to be less than 0.5mm. The minimum wall thickness is also related to the structure, height and the ratio of wall thickness

3. Surface finish: Generally speaking, the vertical surface is better than the tilted surface, and the tilted upper surface is better than the lower surface.

4. Supporting structure: The main functions of metal 3D printing support are as follows:

A. Connect to the printing platform; B. Keep the shape of the parts; C. Prevent warping;

5, Dangling

The upper layer of the cross section is larger than the upper layer, creating a suspension. Metal 3D printing has a relatively low tolerance for suspension, and suspension greater than 0.5mm will cause problems. Generally, if the aperture is less than 8mm, self-supporting effect can be achieved. If the aperture is larger than 8mm, suspension problem will occur.

6. Bridge structure

The allowable distance of the bridge structure is about 2mm, which is still relatively small.

7. Other design skills

Metal 3D printing is very suitable for printing mesh-like structures. These mesh-like structures are suitable for internal support, which can not only reduce weight but also retain strength.

Take into account the removal of the support and powder after printing. Leave an entrance for the support and powder removal. The support cannot be permanently sealed inside after printing.

To sum up, metal 3D printing opens up new design options, liberates design freedom and makes more designs possible. However, metal 3D printing will not replace traditional manufacturing methods. Each has its own strengths and complement each other.


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